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Hopefully no a Farewell - Venezuela, July 30th, 2017.

As I write this, it is currently 0339 Hundred Hours, July, 30th, 2017. I won't go fully in depth on anything, I just wanted to provide a quick look at what's happening here and what could happen.

And, of course, as I write this there are reports of gunfire, screaming, among other things in different states of this country, as it stands right now where I am, I am using headphones listening to music to allow my head to be busy.

But near me, everything is quiet, and the internet is still working, so I decided to write this.

This won't be something that I'll polish or something that will be as long as my usual post.

I'll, however, start listing what will happen if the constituent is approved today, and the stakes.


1. Venezuela will become Communist.

2. Private Media will be eliminated. (Private Press)

3. All Employees of the private sector will become part of the public sector.

4. Private Education will be abolished. Political indoctrination will become the norm.

5. All press will be at the service of the communist power.

6. University Autonomy will be eliminated.

7. The municipalities will be eliminated

8. Only the President will have the ability to elect governors and County Mayors. Without taking the say of the people into account.

9. Presidential Period will be that of 20 to 30 years with the ability to reelect indefinitely

10. Citizens won't be able to circulate on the country, you will need permits to be able to do so.

11. You won't be able to leave the country without official approval from the government.

12. The role of Attorney General of the Republic will be eliminated.

13. The Armed Forces will disappear, the governmental forces will take over their tasks.

14. All of the people's powers will be eliminated.

15. All opposing political parties will be eliminated.

16. The right to protest will be abolished.

17. It is a federal crime of treason to the fatherland to oppose or think differently to the government.

18. Art 350 will be abolished, said article states that you have the right disavow the authority when the Constitution is broken.

19. They can take over your home and private property without a judicial order.

20. The guarantee of life is restricted. The people's lives will be left to the regime.

21. All private property will become part of the state, you won't be able to sell or inherit anything.


How will it affect us, though? As this paper states, which I will translate below.

1. Venezuela passes to be governed by the regime forever.

2. You will go to jail for thinking differently.

3. The goods you own won't be yours anymore.

4. There will no voting to choose who governs us.

5. No more banks, credit/debit cards.

6. The government will control how you practice your religion.

7. They will leave us totally without communication. No more Internet, TV or Radio.

8. You won't be able to travel without the government's permission.

9. The government will decide what your children's education will be.


So, this is what's at stake for us today.

You will see a lot coming from me today in the form of tweets, retweets, etc. I wanted to write this so it becomes clear what's at stake and because I wanted to keep this here if something does end up happening. This'll be a self-explanatory letter.

This'll probably be the toughest 24 hours yet. If any of us does end up disappearing, @KalebPrime, @FlamingGrumble, @BitterBGavin, among others on Twitter, just hang on, perhaps the internet was cut for all of us.

You can also join Venezuela Supreme; a discord we created a few months back, we're always there more than on Twitter. Click Here

Hopefully, this isn't a farewell.

But thanks to all of you.

We'll push through. However we can.

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